Sunday, November 24, 2019

Good Choices Essay

Good Choices Essay Good Choices Essay We all aim to make good choices in our search for financial stability, but sometimes we get pulled into a false sense of security when we start making money and getting credit. We get greedy and before we know it, we are affected by bad debt, and a lot of bad debt is not good for your financial health. First main problem is we don’t know how to manage our money. The more we earn, the more we spend. Secondly, we borrow just because we know we can. We borrow for things like homes we cant afford, high interest credit cards, or fashionable, high priced clothes. Finally, we live the fast track. We think because we want it now, that we must have it now. Bad financial decisions can ruin your life and hurt those you love. We all aim to make good choices in our search for financial stability, but sometimes we get pulled into a false sense of security when we start making money and getting credit. We get greedy and before we know it, we are affected by bad debt, and a lot of bad debt is not good for your financial health. First main problem is we don’t know how to manage our money. The more we earn, the more we spend. Secondly, we borrow just because we know we can. We borrow for things like homes we cant afford, high interest credit cards, or fashionable, high priced clothes. Finally, we live the fast track. We think because we want it now, that we must have it now. Bad financial decisions can ruin your life and hurt those you love. We all aim to make good choices in our search for financial stability, but sometimes we get pulled into a false sense of security when we start making money and getting credit. We get greedy and before we know it, we are affected by bad debt, and a lot of bad debt is not good for your financial health. First main problem is we don’t know how to manage our money. The more we earn, the more we spend. Secondly, we borrow just

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Munich Agreement and the Events of the 1930s Essay

Munich Agreement and the Events of the 1930s - Essay Example The nation also remembers the victory and glory that came home to France, but not without a sense of bereavement. Indeed, the victory of 1914 came to France at a very gory price. Today, my dear friends, is the day France refused to repeat history. Today is the day the French refused to pay in the blood of its brothers for another victory. Today is the day France stands up in defiance of injustice and upholds the flag of peace to ensure peace and stability in the region. Today is the day, I, Edouard Daladier stand in front of the French parliament, having signed the historic Munich Agreement. This is a time to be celebrated. The world has learned to resolve its problems without shooting each other to smithereens. Statesmen of the civilized world, namely Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have learned to sit down and talk in peace to seek solutions for world peace, and that, I believe, is one of the greatest successes of the Munich Agreement. I am not blind to the fact that the Munich Agreement is plagued with controversy. Opponents of the agreement are keen to point fingers at the French government for betraying the people of Czechoslovakia and for supporting Germany in its evil designs. I feel that such concerns of the opponents of the Munich Agreement reek more of anti-French propaganda than of justice and truth. Myopic viewpoints would stand in the way of Britain and France, the two nations that are willing to sacrifice a lot in return of peace in Europe. Europe cannot afford another war, and Britain and France are aware of this reality. Germany’s aggressiveness must be appeased to achieve peace in Europe, and the Munich Agreement is a symbol of that very appeasement, which I believe all present in this room must not only appreciate, but acclaim as a remarkable effort on part of the French Government. Mes freres, the French nation has entrusted my office of the prime minister of france to not only represent them, but to give them access to the truth. Today I speak before you to present nothing but that. The state of Czechoslovakia has transgressed. It has denied its Sudeten population the autonomy it has desired for so long. The sacrifices the Sudeten have made and the atrocities the Czechs have committed against them are an open secret. The world has witnessed the cries of help from those who wish to cease their association with Czechoslovakia and join Germany. Why should the wishes of the public be denied? We see the Sudeten demand for autonomy as a justified demand, and one that the Czech government should be keen in advancing to its people. If an ethnic group finds belonging with Germany, it should be allowed to secede with it. The Munich Agreement, my friends, guarantees just that. The Agreement however, is not drawn simply to support the ideology backing the liberation of the Sudeten Germans. On 16th September of this same year, it is known to all that our government, in collaboration with the British government, presented a proposal to the President of Czechoslovakia, Edvard Benes. We presented a very reasonable proposal, which asked the Czech Government to hand over to Germany all those areas that are populated by more than fifty percent Sudeten Germans. In return, Czechoslovakia will be allowed to retain its independence. Such reasonable terms of the treaty were

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 89

Journal - Essay Example e use of the term â€Å"nigger† during communication with person of black origin can be a barrier to communication since the term is open to different interpretation. Therefore, racially oriented form of communication acts as a barrier to effective communication. Homophobic language has been cited as one of the barriers to effective communication. Homophobic language refers to use of homosexual orientation language during communication (Kadushin 44-49). One of the most commonly used homophobic term is â€Å"That’s so gay.† The reason use of such homophobic language is a barrier to communication is that it is open to infinite interpretation by the other party. For instance, â€Å"your phone is so gay!† could be interpreted to mean the phone is bad or good by different people. The same phrase could also sound offensive to a gay person causing a barrier to effective communication. Sexist way of communication on the other hand tends to discriminate one gender during communication. For instance, talking to a gender balanced audience in a way insinuating everybody is male can be termed as sexist language. A good example is using the term congressman to refer to the person holding the congress title without considering that it could be a lady. Such kind of communication gives the wrong message to the parties involved hence causing a barrier to effective communication. Conclusively, effective communication calls for articulate consideration of gender, race, sex, professional, and other types of diversities. It is important for the communicator to understand the context in which the communication is made in order to eliminate these barriers to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lending & Securities Course Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lending & Securities Course - Research Paper Example This study has been conducted based on secondary research mainly information from the official website of the company. It will deal with in depth research on wide areas of banking activities and its target customers. NBAD practices both commercial and investment banking activities and it offers flawless banking services to individual as well as institutional customers. As this study mainly focuses on commercial lending, therefore, need of long term and short term financing of the potential consumers needed to be analyzed. NBD has disclosed detailed information related to its short and long term lending like starting from the details of different lending schemes for individual as we institutions, investment banking services to business for raising finance and other strategic financial activity, eligibility criteria and requirements of security for lending, banks analysis of future value of securities deposited by the banks etc.According to the report findings  National Bank of Abu D habi is market leader in core business lines in this industry. The company follows franchisee based business activity. It is the largest banking franchise in UAE with more than 140 branches and 740 ATMs and cash deposit machines across the UAE. This banking group is also major player in the corporate banking or business arena. It provides portfolio management and wealth management services to HNI individuals.   The company is a leading player in emerging Islamic banking, investment banking and private banking services in UAE and other Middle East countries. The bank is recognized as a leader in its high competence areas like asset management and financial brokerage services. This company has been well positioned among its target customers for its high value added services and delivering corporate value to shareholders and employees. Apart from its active business operation in UAE, the company is also successfully penetrated in emerging foreign markets like Qatar, United Kingdom, S ingapore and Jersey. The overall business activity is maintained by more than 8000 employees from more than 50 nationalities which have made the most diversified cultured organization in UAE region. Corporate social responsibility is key part of its business activity. National Bank of Abu Dhabi is involved in many corporate social activities like charity, education, culture, art and sports. It always focuses on the national culture into its business culture and dedicated to preservation of it. Discussion There are two different types of customers of the bank. One is individual people and another is small and medium businesses that require loans from the bank. Individual customers requires loan for personal requirements like marriage, child’s education etc. they also need loan for buying persona car, buying a property and many other reasons. The bank also offer a complete package of short term and long term lending facility to its priority individual customers under personal b anking. It provides short term and lo

Friday, November 15, 2019

Macroeconomic Variables and Equity Market Relationship

Macroeconomic Variables and Equity Market Relationship Introduction The equity market also known as stock market is the market for buyers and sellers to trade their equity instruments. There are a few types of equity securities, the most common form of equity securities are preferred stock and common stock. Equity market is important for a company because it allows a company to acquire funds without incurring debts. However, not all the companies are allowed to issue shares, only public listed company which is a limited liability company are allowed to issue share for the sale to the public. The buyers of the stock also became an ownership of a corporation and common stock holders have the right to vote on issues important to the corporation. Company pays their stock holders dividend annually base on the profit of the years. There are two main branches for investor to trade the corporate stock, which are organized exchange and over-the-counter (OTC). Organized exchange trading is governed by regulations and formal procedures to ensure the soundness o f the market. However, stocks that traded through over-the-counter is more informal and uses electronic to trade. From the past, statistics has shown that stock prices can be determined by the economic factors. Literature Review The objective of the authors to carry out the research is to examine the relationship between macroeconomic variables with equity market. The research can helps stakeholder to understand more about equity market and the impact of macroeconomic variables toward equity market. Kim, McKenzie, and Faff (2003) had investigated the impact of scheduled announcements made by government for macroeconomic variables toward the risk and return of three major US financial markets which include equity market. Ioannidis and Kontonikas (2007) had investigates the impact of monetary policy on equity market performance in 13 OECD countries. Abugri (2006) had investigated the relationship between macroeconomic variables with equity market performance. Hooker (2004) had investigated the macroeconomic variables to predict the equity market performance using the Bayesian model developed in Cremers (2002). Patel (2012) had carry out the research in on Indian Stock Market for the effect of macroeconomic det erminants on the performance of market. Trivedi and Behera (2012) and Prof. Sangmi and Hassan (2013) also had carry out research on Indian Stock Market for the relationship between equity prices and macroeconomic variables. Abdelbaki (2013) had used Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model to examine the relationship between macroeconomic variables and Bahraini equity market. Verma and Ozuna (2004) had carried out an empirical investigation for the outcome of Latin American stock markets influence by the macroeconomic variables. Maysami, Howe and Hamzah (2004) had examined the cointegration between macroeconomic variables and stock market’s sector indices rather than the composite index. Most of the journals had chosen interest rate and money supply as one of the macroeconomic variable which will affect the equity market. Nevertheless, foreign exchange rate, inflation rate, industrial production, gross domestic product, foreign direct investment, unemployment rate, gold price and stock market index also popular macroeconomic variables used to carry out the researches. Besides that, few authors also used some unpopular variables such as balance of trade, consumer price index, producer price index, volatility in foreign market and retail sales growth to do their researches. The following table shows the macroeconomic variables used by the authors to carry out their researches. The reason that the authors conduct the research is to provide empirical evidence and also extend the research area that previous researchers voided. The reason that Kim, McKenzie and Faff (2004) do this research is because literature only investigate about the news announcement without investigate about the impact of important macroeconomic variables announcement and the actual news announcement that different from the participant’s expectation that reflect the stock price. Ioannidis, Kontonikas (2008) expand the literature of the significant of monetary policy and stock price by including dividend payment of stock return of 13 OECD countries. Abugri (2008) examine whether the macroeconomic indicator could significantly explain the stock market returns of Latin American. Verma and Ozuna (2005) investigate whether macroeconomic movement significantly impacts the equity market of other Latin American countries. Hooker (2004) extends the research by including macroeconomic varia bles to examine the expected emerging equity market return. Patel (2012), Trivedi and Behera (2012) investigate the existing literature by including eight more macroeconomic variables to test the effect of macroeconomics as determinant on the performance of the Indian stock market. Sangmi and Hassan (2013) examine the effects of macroeconomic variables on Indian stock market in the Arbitrage pricing theory (APT). Abdelbaki (2013) carry out the research to find the significant relationship between macroeconomic variables and Bahraini stock market development (BSMD). Maysami, Lee, and Hamzah (2004) extend the research between macroeconomics variable and stock market’s sector indices instead of the composite index and examine relationships between selected macroeconomic variables and the Singapore’s stock market index (STI), and Singapore Exchange Sector indices. In order to determine the relationship of the macroeconomic variables and stock return, there was variety of test employed by different researchers for different purposes. First, Ioannidis and Kontonikas (2008) employed the Jarque-Bera test to test for the normality. They indicate that stock returns are non-normally distributed which leading the results of hypothesis testing invalid. By taking into account of the non-normality stock returns, bootstrap analysis was undertaken. The researchers also used the ordinary least squares method and the Newey-West heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimator method to examine the negative relationship between stock returns and interest rates. Moreover, Patel (2012), Trivedi and Behera (2012), and Maysami, Lee, and Hamzah (2004) found that the Johansens cointegration test (Johansen and Juselius, 1990) is more powerful in estimating the cointegrating vectors than Engle and Granger’s (1987). This is because cointegration can be tested in a full system of equations under one procedure, without requiring a specific variable to be normalized. This enables researchers to avoid carrying excessive errors from the first- into the second step. It also allows the avoidance of a priori of assumptions of endogenity or exogeniety. Moreover, the Johansen framework incorporates dynamic co-movements or simultaneous interactions, which enable researchers to study the channels through which of the macroeconomic variables affect the asset prices as well as their relative importance. Furthermore, Trivedi and Behera (2012), Patel (2012), and Verma and Ozuna (2005) identify that the Argumented Dickey-Fuller unit root test must carry out first to find the non-stationary of the variables before the Vector Error Correction which is used to investigate the long-run relationship and short-run dynamics among the variables. For the ADF test, reject the null hypothesis of non-stationarity for all the series. Then estimate the model i n log first difference if the given log first difference of all series is stationary which help to ensures that the series of data do not consist of unit roots problem and this could avoids the spurious relationships. In addition, Trivedi and Behera (2012) and Abugri (2008) estimates impulse response functions (IRFs) which are derived from the Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR). This estimates is used to measures the time profile of the effect of a shock on the behavior and investigate the dynamic relationship of equity prices with macroeconomic variables. Lutkenpohl (1991) states that depending on the ordering of the variables in the VAR model, the results from impulse response functions may have big different which may subject to the â€Å"orthogonality assumption†. Hence, Koop, Pesaran, and Potter (1996), and Pesaran and Shin (1998) combat the problem by employed â€Å"generalized† impulse response functions which are invariant to any reordering of the variables in t he VAR and also helps to any to ensure that the results are not subject to the orthogonality assumption. Last but not least, Hooker (2004) employed the Bayesian model selection approach. Due to the results could be sensitive to model specification problem, particularly when including additional variables in the regressions. Meanwhile, the theory provides little guidance as which macroeconomic variables should be included and excluded. This approach considers all achievable (linear) combinations of included explanatory variables, assigns them each flat priors of inclusion, and estimates their posterior probabilities. The purpose of the researchers is to examine the significant or insignificant relationship between macroeconomics variables and equity market. Kim, McKenzie and Faff (2003) found a significant relationship between equity market and price information of customer and producer. This can be evidenced by government announcements relating unexpected balance of trade news, bond market and financial market volatility which have great impact and important to the internal economy and subsequently influence equity return. Ioannidis and Kontonikas (2007) identify that the relationship between interest rate of monetary policy and expected equity return is significant. This had proved that the central bank can changed the interest rate to influence assessment of stock market. Moreover, Abugri (2006) found that the global variables which include interest rate, exchange rate, industrial production and money supply in four Latin American countries are significantly influence stock market’s ret urn. However, Hooker (2004) discovered that exchange rate do not provide significant results on equity market returns. Patel (2012) has identified commodity prices is one of the important variables that will significantly influence the stock market’s return. Hence, he suggested that the policymakers should try to maintain competitive price levels by implementing proper import duty and local taxes. Trivedi and Behera (2012) identify that there is a positive relationship between equity returns and macroeconomics variables which include index of industrial production, wholesale price index, foreihn institutional investment and capital international world index. Prof. Sangmi and Hassan (2013) have found that macroeconomics such as inflation, exchange rate, industrial production, money supply and interest rate, bring significant impact to the equity market where enhance in inflation would lead to higher stock price and tend to have higher rate of return. Abdelbaki (2013) found tha t the macroeconomics variables like income level, domestic investment, banking system development, private capital flows and stock market liquidity provide significant effects on a stock market functions, development and role in national economy. Verma and Ozuna (2004) found out that the use of cross-country Latin American macroeconomics variables is not significant in determining Latin American stock market movements. Maysami, Howe and Hamzah (2004) found out that the Singapore stock market formed significant relationship with all macroeconomic variables identified like money supply and interest rate, while the other Equity Index shows significant relationships on selected variables. Most of the journals are leading us to know that the macroeconomics variables and equity market have a significant relationship. Overall the researcher of Abugri (2006), Hooker (2004), Patel (2012), Trivedi and Behera (2012), Prof. Sangmi and Hassan (2013), Maysami, Howe and Hamzah (2004), found out th at macroeconomics variable such as interest rate and exchange rate is mostly the key of affecting the equity market. Recommendations Conclusion The results of the journals show us there is significant impact of macroeconomic variables toward the equity market. Hence, we recommend that there is a need for the government to initiate policies that will lower the interest rates as lower interest rate may boost up the equity market performance. There is a need for the government to control money supply since the results from the journals show that high money supply will lead to a better stock performance. Besides that, government also needs to control the exchange rate because there stock performance will go worse if the exchange rate is too high. Moreover, inflation rate may also a vital factor that will lower down the equity market performance if it is not control well. Hence, government is playing an important role and they should always analyze the equity market to boost up the country’s economy. In conclusion, macroeconomic variables significantly influence the stock price due to the implementation of macroeconomic variables affects the economic performance and companies’ stock price will be dropping during economic recession. Hence, movement of stock price can be predicted through the announcement or implementation of macroeconomic variables by the government.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Comparative Advantage of Sexual Divisions of Labor Essay -- Econom

Historical Perspectives on the Comparative Advantage of Sexual Divisions of Labor In modern microeconomic models of the household, one commonly sees a division of labor between the husband and wife predicated on a comparative advantage in the market or the household respectively. The idea is that women are somehow less fit for work in the marketplace while they are innately superior at the domestic tasks of cooking, cleaning, and childrearing. There are two prevailing perspectives on the mechanics of this comparative advantage. The first argues that women are somehow biologically fitted to domestic tasks. This was true for Adam Smith who saw the social structures of society arising out of a biological necessity. Malthus, on the other hand, saw the same biological necessity as operating in opposition to the social structures that arose to keep the pressures of population in check. The second perspective argues that a comparative advantage is a socially constructed idea and not rooted in the biological history of the race. Martineau in her story â€Å"Cousi n Marshall† delineated the life of what she saw as a virtuous and noble woman. Virginia Woolf, however, decried what she saw as the deplorable poverty of women in A Room of One’s Own. Her solution, however, only served to further separate the spheres of men and women. Finally, Charlotte Perkins Gilman similarly objected to the state of women in Women and Economics and ultimately proposed a society that abolished any division of labor along sexual lines. None of these authors seem to contest the presence of a comparative advantage in the division of labor as their societies stand. However this does not imply that all the authors agreed on the exact features of this... there were no gendered distinctions in defense of women. One could argue that our modern society is a point along the way to attaining Gilman’s utopian solution. More likely, however, we have made little progress and Gilman’s solutions still feel innovative and strange. References Gilman, C (1998). Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. Berkeley: University of California Press. Malthus, Thomas R (1798). Essay on the Principle of Population [Electronic Version]. Retrieved September 19, 2003, from public/MalPopu.html Martineau, H (1832). Illustrations of Political Economy No. VIII. London: Charles Fox. Smith, A (1766). Lectures on Jurisprudence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Woolf, V (1929). A Room of One’s Own. London: Harcourt.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rabindranath Tagore Story & Poem Essay

A Nandalal Bose illustration for â€Å"The Hero†, part of the 1913 Macmillan release of The Crescent MoonThe â€Å"Sadhana† period, 1891–1895, was among Tagore’s most fecund, yielding more than half the stories contained in the three-volume Galpaguchchha, itself a group of eighty-four stories. [18] They reflect upon Tagore’s surroundings, on modern and fashionable ideas, and on mind puzzles. Tagore associated his earliest stories, such as those of the â€Å"Sadhana† period, with an exuberance of vitality and spontaneity; these traits were cultivated by zamindar Tagore’s life in villages such as Patisar, Shajadpur, and Shilaida. Seeing the common and the poor, he examined their lives with a depth and feeling singular in Indian literature up to that point. [79] In â€Å"The Fruitseller from Kabul†, Tagore speaks in first person as a town-dweller and novelist who chances upon the Afghani seller. He channels the longing of those trapped in mundane, hardscrabble Indian urban life, giving play to dreams of a different existence in the distant and wild mountains: â€Å"There were autumn mornings, the time of year when kings of old went forth to conquest; and I, never stirring from my little corner in Calcutta, would let my mind wander over the whole world. At the very name of another country, my heart would go out to it †¦ I would fall to weaving a network of dreams: the mountains, the glens, the forest †¦. â€Å". [80] Many of the other Galpaguchchha stories were written in Tagore’s Sabuj Patra period (1914–1917; also named for one of Tagore’s magazines). [18] A 1913 illustration by Asit Kumar Haldar for â€Å"The Beginning†, a prose-poem in The Crescent MoonTagore’s Golpoguchchho (Bunch of Stories) remains among Bengali literature’s most popular fictional works, providing subject matter for many successful films and theatrical plays. Satyajit Ray’s film Charulata was based upon Tagore’s controversial novella, Nastanirh (The Broken Nest). In Atithi (also made into a film), the young Brahmin boy Tarapada shares a boat ride with a village zamindar. The boy reveals that he has run away from home, only to wander around ever since. Taking pity, the zamindar adopts him and ultimately arranges his marriage to the zamindar’s own daughter. However, the night before the wedding, Tarapada runs off—again. Strir Patra (The Letter from the Wife) is among Bengali literature’s earliest depictions of the bold emancipation of women. The heroine Mrinal, the wife of a typical patriarchical Bengali middle class man, writes a letter while she is travelling (which constitutes the whole story). It details the pettiness of her life and struggles; she finally declares that she will not return to her husband’s home with the statement Amio bachbo. Ei bachlum: â€Å"And I shall live. Here, I live†. Haimanti assails Hindu marriage and the dismal lifelessness of married Bengali women, hypocrisies plaguing the Indian middle classes, and how Haimanti, a sensitive young woman, must—due to her sensitiveness and free spirit—sacrifice her life. In the last passage, Tagore directly attacks the Hindu custom of glorifying Sita’s attempted self-immolation as a means of appeasing her husband Rama’s doubts. Musalmani Didi examines Hindu-Muslim tensions and, in many ways, embodies the essence of Tagore’s humanism. Darpaharan exhibits Tagore’s self-consciousness, describing a fey young man harboring literary ambitions. Though he loves his wife, he wishes to stifle her own literary career, deeming it unfeminine. Tagore himself, in his youth, seems to have harbored similar ideas about women. Darpaharan depicts the final humbling of the man as he acknowledges his wife’s talents. As do many other Tagore stories, Jibito o Mrito equips Bengalis with a ubiquitous epigram: Kadombini moriya proman korilo she more nai—†Kadombini died, thereby proving that she hadn’t†.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Constitution essays

Constitution essays The United States is globally recognized as a beacon of freedom and democracy. Its statue of liberty, defiant tale of independence, and gradual domination of this world produce a certain aura of infallibility. This reverence is especially evident in the manner in which people view the Constitution. Robert A. Dahl challenges this outlook of perfection and instead pinpoints the approval of slavery, three-fifths compromise, the inconceivable power of the Supreme Court, and the reasoning behind the composition of the Senate as examples of the undemocratic features of a seemingly democratic nation. The United States endorsement of slavery casts a dark shadow over its further demands for freedom. In fact it comes as no surprise that issues regarding this are the first to be assessed by Dahl. Article I section 9 forbade Congress to abolish such an inhuman practice. While Article IV section 2, as the author contends, adds insult to injury by complacence with the notion that one should return such a Person held to service or labor in one state in other words, a runaway slave to its master. These two examples require no great explanation as to why they fail to be democratic. The institution itself denies freedom and yet the three fifths compromise actually includes these people in the states portion of seats in the House of Representatives. The author and Dahl observe this as another flagrant illustration of absolute disregard for democracy, and more so, common humanity. The Supreme Court and its policies are regarded as the final authority on any major legal issues in this Country. Its decisions actively affect according to Dahl... the lives and welfare of millions of Americans (88). The author briefly mentions the School segregation question, and other inequalities that were remedied by this system of justice. Yet he also included several controversial cases such as Dred Scott v. Sanford, an...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

USS Lake Champlain - CV-39 - Korean War

USS Lake Champlain - CV-39 - Korean War USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) - Overview: Nation:  United States Type:  Aircraft Carrier Shipyard:  Norfolk Naval Shipyard Laid Down:  March 15, 1943 Launched:  November 2, 1944 Commissioned:  June 3, 1945 Fate:  Sold for scrap, 1972 USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) - Specifications: Displacement:  27,100 tons Length:  888 ft. Beam:  93 ft. (waterline) Draft:  28 ft., 7 in. Propulsion:  8 Ãâ€" boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shafts Speed:  33 knots Complement:  3,448 men USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) - Armament: 4 Ãâ€" twin 5 inch 38 caliber guns4 Ãâ€" single 5 inch 38 caliber guns8 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns46 Ãâ€" single 20 mm 78 caliber guns Aircraft: 90-100 aircraft USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) - A New Design: Planned in the 1920s and 1930s, the US Navys  Lexington- and  Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were designed to meet the tonnage constraints established by the  Washington Naval Treaty. This placed limitations on the tonnage of various classes of vessels as well as installed a ceiling on each signatory’s overall tonnage. This approach was extended and revised by the 1930 London Naval Treaty. As the global situation worsened in the 1930s, Japan and Italy decided to depart the treaty system. With the failure of the agreement, the US Navy elected to advance efforts to create a new, larger class of aircraft carrier and one which incorporated the lessons learned from the  Yorktown-class. The resulting vessel was wider and longer as well as included a deck-edge elevator system. This had been utilized earlier on  USS  Wasp  (CV-7). In addition to carrying a more sizable air group, the new design included a more powerful anti-aircraft armament. Construction began on the lead ship,  USS  Essex  (CV-9), on April 28, 1941. With the attack on Pearl Harbor and US entry into  World War II, the  Essex-class soon became the US Navys primary design for fleet carriers. The initial four vessels after  Essex  followed the class original design. In early 1943, the US Navy made several alterations with goal of enhancing future vessels. The most noticeable of these changes was lengthening the bow to a clipper design which allowed for the mounting of two quadruple 40 mm mounts. Other changes saw the combat information center moved under the armored deck, improved ventilation and aviation fuel systems, a second catapult on the flight deck, and an additional fire control director. Called the long-hull  Essex-class or  Ticonderoga-class by some, the US Navy made no distinction between these and the earlier  Essex-class ships. USS Lake Champlain (CV-38) - Construction: The first carrier to commence construction with the improved Essex-class design was USS  Hancock  (CV-14) which was later re-named Ticonderoga.   This was followed by a multitude of ships including USS Lake Champlain (CV-39).   Named for Master Commandant Thomas MacDonoughs victory at Lake Champlain during the War of 1812, work began on March 15, 1943, at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard.   Sliding down the ways on November 2, 1944, Mildred Austin, wife of Vermont Senator Warren Austin, served as sponsor.   Construction rapidly moved forward and Lake Champlain  entered commission on June 3, 1945, with Captain Logan C. Ramsey in command.   USS Lake Champlain (CV-38) - Early Service: Completing shakedown operations along the East Coast, the carrier was ready for active service shortly after the war ended.   As a result, Lake Champlains first assignment was to Operation Magic Carpet which saw it steaming across the Atlantic to return American servicemen from Europe.   In November 1945, the carrier set a trans-Atlantic speed record when it sailed from Cape Spartel, Morocco to Hampton Roads in 4 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes while maintaining a speed of 32.048 knots.   This record stood until 1952 when it was broken by the liner SS United States.   As the US Navy downsized in the years after the war, Lake Champlain was moved into reserve status on February 17, 1947.   USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) - Korean War: With the beginning of the Korean War in June 1950, the carrier was reactivated and moved Newport News Shipbuilding for an SCB-27C modernization.   This saw major modifications to the carriers island, removal of its twin 5 gun mounts, enhancements to internal and electronic systems, rearrangement of internal spaces, strengthening of the flight deck, as well as the installation of steam catapults.   Leaving the yard in September 1952, Lake Champlain, now designated an attack aircraft carrier (CVA-39), began a shakedown cruise in the Caribbean in November.   Returning the following month, it then departed for Korea on April 26, 1953.   Sailing via the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, it arrived at Yokosuka on June 9.    Made flagship of Task Force 77, Lake Champlain commenced launching strikes against North Korean and Chinese forces.   In addition, its aircraft escorted US Air Force B-50 Superfortress bombers on raids against the enemy.   Lake Champlain continued to mount attacks and supported ground forces ashore until the signing of the truce on July 27.   Remaining in Korean waters until October, it left when USS (CV-33) arrived to take its place.   Departing, Lake Champlain touched at Singapore, Sri Lanka, Egypt, France, and Portugal on its way back to Mayport, FL.   Arriving home, the carrier began a series of peacetime training operations with NATO forces in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.    USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) - Atlantic NASA:               As tensions in the Middle East spiked in April 1957, Lake Champlain raced to the eastern Mediterranean where it operated off Lebanon until the situation calmed.   Returning to Mayport in July, it was re-classified as an anti-submarine carrier (CVS-39) on August 1.   After briefly training on the East Coast, Lake Champlain departed for a deployment to the Mediterranean.   While there, it provided aid in October following devastating floods in Valencia, Spain.   Continuing to alternate between the East Coast and European waters, Lake Champlains home port shifted to Quonset Point, RI in September 1958.   The next year saw the carrier move through the Caribbean and conduct a midshipmen training cruise to Nova Scotia.   In May 1961, Lake Champlain sailed to serve as the primary recovery ship for the first manned spaceflight by an American.   Operating approximately 300 miles east of Cape Canaveral, the carriers helicopters successfully recovered astronaut Alan Shepard and his Mercury capsule, Freedom 7, on May 5.   Resuming routine training operations during the next year, Lake Champlain then joined in the naval quarantine of Cuba during the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.   In November, the carrier left the Caribbean and returned to Rhode Island.   Overhauled in 1963, Lake Champlain provided aid to Haiti in the wake of Hurricane Flora in September.   The next year saw the ship continue peacetime duties as well as take part in exercises off Spain. Though the US Navy desired to have Lake Champlain further modernized in 1966, this request was blocked by Secretary of the Navy Robert McNamara who believed that the anti-submarine carrier concept was ineffective.   In August 1965, the carrier again aided NASA by recovering Gemini 5 which splashed down in the Atlantic.   As Lake Champlain was not to be further modernized, it steamed for Philadelphia a short time later to prepare for deactivation.   Placed in the Reserve Fleet, the carrier was decommissioned on May 2, 1966.   Remaining in reserve, Lake Champlain was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on December 1, 1969 and sold for scrap three years later. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Lake Champlain  (CV-39)NavSource: USS  Lake Champlain  (CV-39)USS  Lake Champlain  (CV-39) - Air Groups

Monday, November 4, 2019

PhD program in English Composition and TESOL Personal Statement

PhD program in English Composition and TESOL - Personal Statement Example Francis Bacon’s philosophical writings, William Shakespeare’s plays, Shelley Percy’s poems, and Mark Twain’s novels, just to mention a few, enlightened me on the unique and sharp observations of writers regarding life and nature. Reading these literary works, I toured the underlying lovely world of nature and realized the multifaceted truths about life. For instance, Percy Shelly informs his readers about the environment by using the power of his pen, ‘if winter approaches, can spring be far behind?’ Reading fictitious classics and the enjoyment I got from the beauty of English in them inspired me to write. I kept a record of my perceptions regarding life and observations of nature making use of the elementary English writing skills I had. The more I practiced writing and keeping a record of my observations and perceptions, the more my interests in English composition intensified. Additionally, this enabled me to think in English when writing compositions; thus, improving my aptitudes in written English. The love for writing and reading in English strengthened my love for the English language. This is because it gave me the urge to make painstaking efforts to improve my command of it. My relentless persistence and strong interests enabled me to excel in my academic performance. My outstanding performance in the English language has seen me obtain first-class scholarships on three occasions. These awards are only given to individuals who perform exemplary in their specialty studies. My outstanding performance in schoolwork has never made me a complacent person. Both in co-curricular activities and coursework, I have always exploited endurance as a character. During my undergraduate studies, I was a member of the university’s debating club. Together with my club members, we won several trophies and championships.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Commodity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Commodity - Essay Example The most important oil producing nation in the whole world is Saudi Arabia. It is the biggest oil producing country of the world. In the year 2011, it has supplied 12.8% of global oil (Chakarova, 3). The country has got a oil reserve of 266 billion barrels (Chakarova, 3). Not only Saudi Arabia but Iran is also becoming a world leader in the crude oil supply. Iran is in a state of rapid development because of its oil reserves. Strait of Hormuz, through which 20% of world oil is supplied, is under the control of Iran. If this passage is blocked, then it would be a great problem for the whole world. As a result of which the oil prices will definitely rise. This would also require new path of delivery of oil to other countries. However, there are other countries in the middle-east which has substantial capacity of oil production. But, there are conflicts at the moment between those countries in the middle-east. This is a scary sign for the world because any conflict between these countri es would result in huge losses which the other remaining nations of the world would have to suffer. Demand of Oil in international market There is huge demand of oil in the whole world. In this modern era of rapid industrialization, it is very hard to think of running any industry without oil. However, the supply is very less as compared to the huge demand all over the world. Each year this demand is growing leaps and bounds but it is a very critical issue now to think of where from this demand be met. In the year 2004, the OECD countries consumed 48.8 mmbpd and it was 5.2% more than in the year 2003 (Cordsman and Al-Rodhan, 31). This is just a number showing the horrific nature of demand in crude oil in the world nine years ago. But the situation today is even more horrifying. It has also been seen that due to the huge industrialization process in the upcoming economies like India and China, the demand has risen even more in the past few years. The rapid development process in thes e two Asian countries would surely increase the demand as they themselves do not have any natural source of oil. All they can do is that they can import the crude oil from the middle-east countries. A graphical data is presented below showing the demand of oil based on economic growth from 2001-2025 (million barrels per day) (Cordsman and Al-Rodhan, 34). 2001 2002 2010 2015 2020 2025 LG 78 78.20 98.60 110.00 120.60 132.30 R 78 78.20 93.60 103.20 111.00 119.20 HG 78 78.20 91.10 97.20 102.30 107.70 (Source: Cordsman and Al-Rodhan, 34) Note: LG-low-growth, R- reference case, HG- high growth case. Price of oil in international market Due to the low supply, the demand for the crude oil has increased a lot in the past few years which in turn has raised the price of crude oil in the global market considerably. The developing economies of the world like India, China, etc., they are on the verge of development. As a result they are in huge demand of crude oil for their rapid industrial growt h. They need huge supply of crude oil which has made the price of oil go high in the international market. And it’s not only the price of crude oil, but the different levels of duties, processing cost, all these add up to a level which makes it a nightmare for the consumers in this era. The prices of petrol, diesel, LPG going high on a daily basis are the consequences of this. Here is a list showing the annual